
Friday, October 06, 2006

Math Class is Tough

Every day when I go to my gym they ask me what number locker I'd prefer. I really don't much care, to be honest, but they always seem very hurt if you say it doesn't matter, locker choice apparently being an incredibly vital health club moral issue. Because one side of the locker room has slightly fewer skanky showers, though an equal proportion of elderly nude reclining men, I always say that anything above 250 is fine.

And somehow I invariably end up with 249.

It's not that this actually matters. Pretty much any locker is equally likely to contain used q-tips (this actually happened) or discarded underwear packaging (ditto, and it was for the really cheesy kind that has tiger stripes and doesn't exactly provide full coverage, and it fell out into the middle of the room and embarrassed the hell out of me), so again, I don't really care. But seriously, how is it so difficult to understand that 249 is not above 250?

I blame cable television.

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