
Friday, November 10, 2006

The Week in Review

It has been, if there can be such a thing, a good week for me at work. I finally cleared out the old boxes of files I'd had blocking out my window for a good three months, I managed to get rid of the hand truck that was needlessly sitting outside my door, and I got a brand new printer. That's right, it no longer sounds like I'm murdering a seal when I print things out. My new printer is little and gray and cute and prints twice as fast as my old one. I think I'm in love.

On the home front, I think the cleaning lady finally effectively removed the last vestiges of pumpkin decay from our lives, and I'm getting somewhat caught up on my DVRs. Plus I finally read all of last week's mail. It's almost as though I actually live there.

Only detriments? Well, I accidentally put the dressing on my salad too early in the day on Tuesday and it ended up getting really soggy and gross. Oh, and the cleaning people at my office didn't take out my trash last night so it's smelled like onions in here all day. I just tell people I'm making stir fry.

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