
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Actual Work Assignments that I Have Been Given At Some Point in My Life

-- forwarding an email
-- remembering the birthday of someone I do not know
-- playing "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" on the viola some seventy times in a row
-- wearing a pea-green wool suit and pretending I live in the 1920s
-- acting enthusiastic about country music
-- fetching coffee repeatedly "until I get it right"
-- writing a series of commercials about a couple that bonds over an upholstery store
-- carrying a stack of law books one hundred yards
-- apologizing to people whose phone calls I accidentally dropped rather than forwarding
-- modeling show choir apparel
-- editing a collection of folk remedies for arthritis, gout, and other uncomfortable conditions
-- picking up someone's child from band practice
-- washing my hands

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