
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Idle Hours

You know what's kind of fun? My biggest task for the day is to go to the craft store and buy a bunch of supplies for our Holiday Party next week. Of course, I may have to be outfitted with a tracking device for this trip after my Target disaster earlier this week, but I kind of like it that I'm going to get to spend most of this weekend sitting on my ass in front of the TV wearing flannel pants and fleece-lined slippers. I mean, Clueless is on right now and TBS is planning to show Mean Girls three times. Who needs to leave the house?

It's been a relatively uneventful week. I prepared for a deposition by reading hundreds of very boring and poorly spelled documents. I had a number of meetings about meetings that are yet to come, and ran errands to thrilling places like Walgreen's and Jewel. I did have a run in with some Tequila shots on Thursday night, but that's sort of par for the course by now.

I'm trying to think of other things I can do today. I really hate to be idle; when I don't have much to do, I tend to make up tasks for myself, like alphabetizing my books or cleaning the inside of all of my CD cases. If I'm not careful here I'll end up with a toothpick Santa's Village by Monday morning.

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