
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Why I Can Never Be Allowed In Target Again

Sometimes I'm an impulse buyer. I see a product like cheese-flavored gum or peppermint hot pockets and I think, sure, why not. Every time I'm in the checkout line I'm sorely tempted by Us Weekly's promises of Brangelina news and Britney wit and wisdom. But last night I went to Target by myself and I totally crossed the line. Among my several hundred dollars of purchases:

I bought a pink polka dotted sweater for my dog. She lives hundreds of miles away, and hates being dressed up more than anything in the world.

Kerplunk is a fun game for children of all ages. Especially children who wear their polo shirts with all the buttons buttoned, if you're judging from the box art.

Everyone loves a paint by number kit. This baby is finally going to land me in the MoMA. Or in jail, depending.

I think the pirate pinata pretty much speaks for itself.

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