Monday, January 15, 2007
By the Numbers
I have recently completed an incredibly important art project. Although I am sure that puppies have previously been represented in the visual arts, I am equally sure that they have perhaps never so feelingly been rendered. After literally a week of painstaking labor, I present to you a little work I call Puppy Climbing Over Log.
Here is my work station. On the left you can see my palette, where I had the incredibly difficult task of actually mixing several of the colors required for the painting. Believe me, if your white and black mixture gets even a little bit off, that puppy's nose is totally fucked.
I have recently completed an incredibly important art project. Although I am sure that puppies have previously been represented in the visual arts, I am equally sure that they have perhaps never so feelingly been rendered. After literally a week of painstaking labor, I present to you a little work I call Puppy Climbing Over Log.
Here's a shot from early in the process. I was tempted to leave it this way. After all, the instructions do say "[r]emember, you're the artist so feel free to improvise and use your imagination."
And the finished product. Doesn't that puppy seem to be jumping right out at you? He may well be. I'm pretty sure he has rabies.
As you can tell from the stubble, the tousled hair, and the random scarf, I am a tortured artist. I also have on glasses, which make me smart.