
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Dream On

So I saw Dreamgirls last night and it was pretty entertaining. I really enjoyed the bad hair and eyebrows they gave Beyonce for the early scenes so we could be amazed by her allegedly enormous transformation into a glamorous star, and the subtlety with which the production emphasized Jennifer Hudson's supposed tremendous fatness (putting her in a rubber dress, showing that she climbs stairs slowly, having various characters randomly refer to her as fat). I also liked the movie because it carefully demonstrated how white people ruin music and entertainment without even incorporating footage of Jessica Simpson. At over two hours, it was perhaps a little long for what was essentially a semi-fictionalized Behind the Music, but I suppose I can't really begrudge it the time if I devoted an hour and a half to I Love New York on Monday. All in all I have to say good times.

But the most interesting thing about the evening has to be the fact that they arrested someone in the theater at the very beginning of the movie. I had noticed the security guards hovering around the entrance, but I figured they were just going to tell me to get my feet down off the railing and stop throwing popcorn at the image of J.Lo in the movie trivia. Instead, however, police officers arrived and took a gentleman away in handcuffs as the opening credits rolled. Who gets arrested at Dreamgirls? It was for crimes against fashion, no doubt.

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