Thursday, January 04, 2007
On the Clothing of Dogs and Other Holiday Traditions
As some of my more diligent readers may recall (if their courses of mediation will allow it), approximately a month ago I impulse purchased a rather fancy smock for my dog, who lives some five hours away from me. I decided to give it to her for Christmas, with almost heartrendingly adorable results:
As you can see, this sheik retro look fits DJ nearly perfectly. I think she also appreciated its durable fleece construction, as evidenced by her failure to rip it completely to shreds within a half hour.
Of course, we have TWO dogs, so it would have been completely gauche of me to not purchase some finery for the Big Beagle (I believe he is actually a cross between a beagle and a horse, but let's not get technical) as well. Luckily there is always Old Navy. Here Boo somewhat petulantly models a fetching (har har) patterned number.
And for the record, no, dressing your pets is NOT a mere matter of steps from dressing your lawn gnomes.
As some of my more diligent readers may recall (if their courses of mediation will allow it), approximately a month ago I impulse purchased a rather fancy smock for my dog, who lives some five hours away from me. I decided to give it to her for Christmas, with almost heartrendingly adorable results:
And for the record, no, dressing your pets is NOT a mere matter of steps from dressing your lawn gnomes.