
Friday, January 19, 2007

Professional Development

The other day at work, one of my clients asked me if I was a student intern at my firm. Since I've now been an attorney for three and a half years and have in fact even represented this individual for almost a year and a half, I was a bit caught off guard by the question. I thought about challenging him to fight me, but since he was large and mustachioed, I decided instead just to take it as a compliment. It's not that I'm incompetent, it's just that I'm fresh faced and youthful. It's both a blessing and a curse, of course.

I actually haven't been super, super busy at my office lately, and I'm finding it kind of hard to adjust. Of course, keeping hours that aren't better suited to a textiles factory in the 1890s is probably a good thing, but when I'm idle I tend to do ridiculous things like starting a blog or latchhooking a rug with an image of a monkey on it. For instance, the other day I spent several hours watching old clips of 3-2-1 Contact on youtube. I'm a huge fan of The Bloodhound Gang, what can I say? Frankly, I just want to find out why Mr. Bloodhound wasn't ever there.

The good news (?) is that things aren't going to be slow for long. I've got a couple of depositions coming up, and may even start on a new case or two. I really, really hope that one of them is Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Disgusting Sneakers.

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