Saturday, March 03, 2007
The Crafting Continues
The upside of Chicago's insanely harsh winter, if there has in fact been one, has been the phenomenal crafting output created by me and Roommate Liz. Here's a small sampling in photos.
Knitting needn't stop simply because it's Super Bowl Sunday and you're drunk and in a bar. Or for any reason, in fact. During dinner, at a wedding, while working on your car -- any time is knitting time.
Some people don't think that plaster making is an art, mainly because it comes from a box labeled "ages 6 and up." Those people are clearly morons.
I like to reach for the stars. And then paint them.
Here's a picture of what Roommate Liz's current knitting project will look like when finished. Isn't it great that we now have the technology to make a baby gay?
The upside of Chicago's insanely harsh winter, if there has in fact been one, has been the phenomenal crafting output created by me and Roommate Liz. Here's a small sampling in photos.