
Friday, April 13, 2007

Not Dead Yet

So I finally got in to see a doctor, and although he appeared to be about 14 years old, he did a pretty thorough job of listening to me bitch for half an hour (he even wrote down every word!) and handing me a bunch of medication, so I'm pretty pleased. He had a really good "I'm concerned" face and didn't even make me take off my pants for the examination. That's good physicianing, in my view.

The nurse, on the other hand, seemed to have wandered into the office by accident and been handed some needles and a set of scrubs. It's the only time I can remember when I've had my blood drawn by someone who seemed to find the idea of being near me repulsive. I think that if she could have thrown the syringe at me and hit a vein, she would have done so. She also gave me an EKG without uttering a single word besides "you need to take your shirt off." I actually wasn't even sure when it was over, though I did take the liberty of removing the suction cups when she failed to come back after half an hour. Although I think they could be the next hot new accessory.

The best part, however, was when I managed to get lost on my way out of the clinic and I ended up raving about a blood test and my next appointment in a different suite entirely. I'm sure that Kramer & Johnson, Accountants, would have been much more accommodating had it not been tax season.

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