
Thursday, April 05, 2007

Return to the Living

Being sick kind of puts you in this whole strange other world, where putting on pants is a challenge and eating two pieces of toast without throwing up is an accomplishment. Over the past few days, I found myself receiving congratulations for things like taking a shower and staying awake until 9:30 PM. Primarily I think people are just being nice out of fear that I'll lick their silverware and purposefully contaminate them, but I'll take it. Praise can be so terrifically hard to come by.

As I've gotten better, though, I have increasingly recognized the sad fact that daytime television is not perhaps what it once was. Maybe I'm just looking through the lens of a 12-year-old who really, really wanted to stay home and watch people agonize over the cost of sponges with Bob Barker rather than taking a rock test, but I don't really love the Tyra show. The whole day was really just a mess of glacially-paced soap operas with unamusingly wooden actors, talk shows hosted by people originally famous for something else but now downgraded to "personality" status, and reruns of shows I was never even sure should have existed in the first place. I didn't even recognize half the folks on Days of Our Lives and I couldn't find a decent Seventh Heaven rerun anywhere. And if there's anything that can quell your nausea, it's Seventh Heaven, let me tell you.

So see, probably it's a good thing that I'm back at work and have things to worry about other than MTV's disturbing failure to rerun MADE episodes during the daytime hours now.

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