Sunday, July 01, 2007
Let's Get Visual!
A few weeks I stole a disposable camera from a charity benefit I attended (well, not really "stole," because they put them there for you to take, but I like to sound dangerous). The following are the best photos that a Walgreen's brand throwaway can provide.
Here some of my friends from my improv class and I recreate a pose from Family Feud. This is exactly the kind of hilarious thing we were doing all the time in improv class, which is why people hated us.
I included this mainly because it's the only example known to man of a picture taken by holding your arm out in front of you actually coming out okay. Historians should take note.
A few weeks I stole a disposable camera from a charity benefit I attended (well, not really "stole," because they put them there for you to take, but I like to sound dangerous). The following are the best photos that a Walgreen's brand throwaway can provide.

Kelly is such a gracious hostess she even allows me to grab her boobs.
Ah, the classic bunny ears gag. How original. This picture is notable mainly for the absurd, vulgar dancing that followed it. As you can see, I've already begun to unbutton my shirt.