Monday, July 09, 2007
A Life on the Stage
It's only now occurring to me that I don't think I mentioned this, but I have been in weekly sketch comedy shows for about the past four months. I'm finally on a little sabbatical from "acting" now, but I thought I might share some images from his horrific chapter in our nation's history:
In one sketch I played a penguin. Not sure why, really, but it happened. We'd all like to deny it, but we can't.
It's only now occurring to me that I don't think I mentioned this, but I have been in weekly sketch comedy shows for about the past four months. I'm finally on a little sabbatical from "acting" now, but I thought I might share some images from his horrific chapter in our nation's history:

Here I'm making love to a chair, Cabaret style. Actually I think this kind of looks like I'm the "cool" youth pastor from the Lutheran church trying to rap with the kids about premarital sex.
In this shot I am blurry. And wearing a bolo tie. And reading a fantasy novel about dragons. That wasn't part of the sketch; it was just such a good book I couldn't put it down!
I was supposed to be a cop, but I think I look more like an old-timey bus driver. Also like I'm doing some sort of Irish jig. See, I am multitalented.