
Thursday, July 05, 2007


On Tuesday, I participated in one of my favorite annual traditions by getting drunk on my friend Meghan's boat and watching the fireworks. It's always a delight to enjoy the beautiful weather, spot absurd boat names like "Controlled Chaos II" and "Shenanigans," and stand in ridiculous lines for filthy portapotties. If there's a way to celebrate America's Birthday that doesn't involve Natty Lite and impressively easy Pringle's trivia questions, frankly I don't want to know about it. That's why this is the Land of the Free.

Unfortunately, though, a train lost power in the Loop immediately after the fireworks, resulting in a huge traffic mess and, for me, a several mile slog through the pouring rain in utterly unsuitable footwear. As it turns out, flip flops do not provide the greatest mobility or stability in a downpour, nor do they shield a person from the enormous hooves of passersby. We ended up taking refuge in my office, of all places, alternating between trying desperately to find some kind of news of what the hell was going in downtown and checking out the hotties on my myspace profile. Again, an excellent way to celebrate our nation's birth.

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