
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Shades of Goldilocks

I am buying a new bed. It's kind of a daunting process because I can't help but feel that, if I get it wrong, my new bed might smother me in my sleep or something. Reading Consumer Reports hasn't helped. It turns out things fall apart or randomly catch on fire or transmit tuberculosis all the time. And it seems that everyone I know has some kind of advice about this transaction, from "don't let them fold the mattress" to "have you ever had sex on a waterbed?" All very helpful, I am sure.

The good news is that I am finally graduating to a Big Boy Bed this time around. That's right, I'm giving up the racecar bed for a queen sized. I plan on rolling all over the place just because I can. I may even invite a family of gypsies to camp with me. The possibilities are endless.

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