
Friday, July 13, 2007


-- Etiquette. What's the appropriate response when one's superior follows one into the bathroom to discuss business? I'm guessing from the reaction that screaming and administering a swift kick to the groin aren't it.

-- On Demand Television. Last night I watched the eight minutes of Cheaters where the host gets stabbed on a boat. It reminded me of my high school production of Anything Goes.

-- Amazingness. The finale of Flavor of Love: Charm School was without a doubt the finest hour in the history of television. A woman collapsed to her knees sobbing over receiving $50,000 and a pair of used Ugg boots. And there were makeovers!

-- Fine Art. A few weeks ago my mother almost accidentally shoplifted a bookmark from the Art Institute gift shop. You can do hard time for that kind of thing, folks.

-- Urgency. When I get six emails a day with the "urgent" flag on them, I can't help but feel they aren't all matters of life or death. Save it until you've actually been shot, people.

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