
Sunday, September 02, 2007


Thanks to my scarlet fever (Or Scarlett Johansson fever, as I've deemed it. My prescription? 10 CCs of The Nanny Diaries, stat.) I am now on one of the same medications as my grandmother. The even better news is that it's a steroid, so I can now blame my sudden rages on something. I haven't noticed any increase in my bulk, but I'm sure it's coming. Another side effect seems to be an inability to spell, as I have found myself struggling over words like "steroid" and, well "struggling." I would have paid more attention in chemistry if I'd known I could use it to alter my mind and body -- it's like the ultimate makeover!

Of course, I discovered my affliction while visiting my parents for the weekend, so I got to rediscover the wonders of Quincy medicine, where doctors are folksy and want to talk about your family going back six generations while at the same time staring down your raw, red throat. As a walk in, I got in and out of the clinic in an hour and had my meds in another half hour. Plus we read a whole edition of Seventeen Magazine while we waited, which allowed me to discover the wonders of the Traumarauma column, where the many embarrassments attendant to tampon usage are showcased. All in all, I should really get sick more often.

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