
Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Host With the Most

This morning at church the gentleman in front of me in the communion line did one of the strangest things I've ever seen. After receiving and consuming his wafer, he requested another. And another. And another. Which he then filled his pockets with. Did he find the body of Christ insufficiently filling? Did he think this was supposed to be a full meal? Or did he maybe just have friends at home he wanted to share the experience with? I'm somewhat at a loss here.

Whatever his motives, I'm pretty sure his actions were a no-no with the big guy upstairs, by which I mean the pope. I mean, I remember being reprimanded by the nuns for chewing my host, so I don't think stashing it in your 401s for later is really going to pass muster. One girl got detention for a week for making a face after tasting the $4 jug of wine crap that passes for blood of Christ these days. I find it unlikely that going back for seconds would be considered to be in line with proper churchgoing etiquette.

Of course, I'm still rooting for them to change it to a Hot Pocket and a shot of Jager. If the church really wanted to bring people in they'd listen to all of my amazing ideas.

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