
Saturday, October 20, 2007

To Market, To Market

This morning I had my most eventful trip to the grocery store in some time, and not just because I decided to try a new brand of granola bars for my afternoon snack. First, in the produce aisle, I was assaulted by a woman whose primary goal in life was to get me to try some bagel chips. When I demurred, I swear I actually heard her mutter an epithet under her breath. Never one to offend a lady (or be beaten down over a snack product), I relented and gave them a shot. Surprising taste, hearty consistency -- I give them at least a B.

Then, as I was checking out breakfast cereals (Captain Crunch or Lucky Charms? It's really the eternal question.), I got accosted by someone who thought she knew me.

"Mark?" she asked.

"No, sorry," I replied.

"From Trinity Lutheran?" she continued.

"Not me," I maintained.

"Oh, never mind, I thought you were Mark," she finished.


Finally, at the checkout counter, I was behind an old lady who appeared to be buying food to supply, well, the rest of her life. Combined with an elderly clerk who essentially confirmed each bar of the bar codes one at a time and the utter lack of a bagger at this station, this resulted in about half an hour of wait time reading about Nicole Richie's problem pregnancy. Although I did get to bag my own groceries, which was fun. I put the Wheat Thins on the bottom to provide a strong base.

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