
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Key Learnings

The episode of America's Next Top Model where they visit Nelson Mandela's cell is on right now. I don't know about you, but this is definitely, definitely how I first learned about Apartheid. Essentially, I get all my social and political views from Tyra, and of course Larry King. You'd be surprised by how frequently the two of them agree.

Today was also the day they light the lights on Michigan Avenue, which meant the entire Mag Mile (including the area around my office) was swarming with enthusiastic-looking people in bad sweaters. Personally, I don't understand what the big deal is. I turn my lights on every day, and you don't see me expecting a party for it.

I tried to experiment and create my own pasta sauce with dinner tonight. Sometimes this works, but this time it was a bust. I probably shouldn't have tried to melt pepper jack cheese on there.

I have a terrible headache, but I'm hesitant to take more than the one Advil the bottle allots me. ODing on pain reliever seems pretty unlikely, but you have to admit it would be a pretty embarrassing way to go.

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