
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Another Year...

God, can you believe it's almost 2008? It seems like just yesterday I was ringing in the new year with an evening of board games and a whole week of America's Next Top Model on VH1, discovering for the first time the wonders of Melrose and the horrors of Jade. Now here we are in the land of year-end clip shows, trying our best to pretend that 2007 actually meant something. I'm not so convinced that it did, but here are some of my favorite moments:

-- One of my clients asks me if I'm a student intern at my firm. This is what job satisfaction is all about.

-- I finish my paint by number masterwork, Puppy Climbing Over Log. The terms of the Christie's auction remain under negotiation.

-- The AARP accidentally invites me to join their membership ranks. In preparation for this honor, I tell a long story about soup and buy season one of Murder, She Wrote.

-- I begin my Comcast on Demand-assisted studies of Exotic Dance, leaving four dead and six injured.

-- I get my record player. Next on my wish list? A daguerreotype machine and new spats.

-- High School Musical 2 gives kids everywhere the freedom to be really gay again.

-- The Looptopia celebration introduces Chicagoans to the pleasures of loitering downtown and being cold.

-- I go on a Ghost Tour of Chicago, which pretty much ends up just being three hours on a bus.

-- Roommate Liz moves out, but leaves several socks and a lot of junk mail to remember her by.

-- I blog about the same event twice, and in slightly different ways. And thus the thin tissue of lies begins to unravel.

-- The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants debuts on HBO. Okay, so maybe it's not actually one of my favorite moments of 2007, but it is my favorite moment for which I just saw a commercial. I'm watching Steel Magnolias on ABC Family, okay? God damn it, don't judge me.

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