
Monday, December 03, 2007

Auto Universe

Yesterday morning I was convinced that my car had been stolen. I looked out my back window and it was nowhere in sight. I called to my sister, who really appreciated it at 9 on a Sunday, and she confirmed that she was indeed not out joyriding. Then I kind of freaked out. But upon closer inspection -- i.e., actually walking out onto my balcony to look -- it turned out that the Corolla had in fact just rolled down the driveway and was resting against the back of the house, outside of my normal sight line.

This led to a rigorous investigation of 1) whether I had in fact left the damn thing in gear when parking (I had not, though my sister still maintains that she has no hard "evidence" of this) and 2) whether there was any damage (there was not -- just some wall particles sort of ground up on the bumper). Science is fun!

They question remains how the car got from point A to point B, but the generally accepted theory seems to be that the icy conditions Saturday allowed for a gentle and ultimately harmless skid down the driveway. I refuse to rule out the possibility that someone stole my vehicle and drove it six feet just to embarrass me, however.

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