
Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Great Conversationalist

I like to think that I am generally somewhat smarter than toast. And that I am wittier than, say, Courtney Love. But both of these theories are frequently tested in the early hours of the day, when I run into people I know and am unable to complete full sentences. For instance:

Random Guy From My Improv Class on the Train: Hey, Jay, what's up?
Jay: Oh. Hey. It's you there. Hey.
RGFMICOTT: Haven't seen you in a while. How are you?
Jay: Right. Yes. That's... okay, yes.
RGFMICOTT: Are you all right?
Jay: I had Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast.

Or you might consider my first interaction of the day with my secretary:

Secretary: Good morning!
Jay: (stunned silence)
Secretary: How about that snow this morning? Crazy stuff, huh?
Jay: (stunned silence)
Secretary: I almost couldn't get my car out of the driveway!
Jay: Sometimes I have a Diet Coke first thing when I get up.

So essentially, I'm a moron. But I like to think I'm a LOVABLE moron. It's when I actually become somewhat articulate that the lovableness fades away.

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