
Friday, December 21, 2007

Senility Now

Today I showed up for a doctor's appointment that won't happen for a month. I thought it was odd that I hadn't gotten a reminder call, but it was in my calendar, so I just headed over there. Luckily there was a sassy receptionist to set me straight. Essentially I ended up taking a half hour walk. Probably there are more attractive places I could have gone than Northwestern Medical Center, but the view of the Sbarro was breathtaking.

I've also had a number of moments lately where I forget what I'm doing right in the middle of doing it. I'll be standing in the middle of the room wielding a stapler or screwdriver and not be able to remember what I was about to staple or screw (har har). If I had children, I imagine I'd be calling them by the wrong names by now.

If I start to get the urge to subscribe to Reader's Digest and go to dinner at 3:30, I'm really going to get worried.

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