
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Terrible Confession

I have been so busy lately that I literally had no idea who won New York's heart last night on the season finale of her eponymous program. I had to find out from Google! Although I think Tailor Made is kind of a douche, he actually seems like he'll be a good fit for her, since he's completely willing to just roll over and let her do whatever she wants. Let's face it, it's not like she's really looking to be challenged in a relationship. If she were, she'd probably be dating Dr. Phil.

Nor have I adequately addressed Saleisha's recent crowning as America's Next Top Model, At Least Until America's Next America's Next Top Model Is Crowned in May. I was actually happy to see Saleisha get it, mainly because I thought she deserved to be rewarded for her triumph over the extreme adversity of that terrible, terrible haircut they saddled her with. Why is it always the pretty ones that they decide to make "edgy?" Is it because ugly is already pretty edgy just the way it is? The highlight of the entire season, though, was when Chantal knocked over that dude on stilts during the final fashion show. That's the kind of TV moment DVR was invented for.

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