
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

10, 9, 8...

I have never been a huge fan of new year's eve. I've always thought of it as a sort of amateur night, where people who have no business drinking try to get all crazy and end up throwing up all over their spangly tops or drunk driving their cars into the front of a Wendy's. I can't stand the fact that people feel the need to put on tuxedos or pay $100 to get into the same crappy bar they go to for free all year long just because the calendar happens to be flipping over. Plus, I fail to understand the theory that the best way to start the new year is by crouching over your toilet all day long. It all just seems pretty lame, frankly.

So this year, as in years past, I spent my new year's playing board games and eating delicious dips at a friend's house. Former Roommate Liz did things up right by providing a delicious array of appetizers, an HBO Flight of the Conchords marathon, and fun fruity drinks I would never be able to order in public. The best part of the evening, however, was the ceremonial playing of the Mind Your Manners board game, which featured '60s-era illustrations of common faux pas that had been randomly assigned point values. This was amusing because something like "talking with food in your mouth" might be assigned -8 points, while, say, "murdering a hobo with a cuisinart" would only cost you 2. I have to say, I now feel a lot more able to be a functioning member of the society, at least as far as 40 years ago goes.

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