
Friday, January 11, 2008

Of Note

I decided to go on a little Nintendo game shopping spree on Amazon. I have ordered Mega Man 2, Castlevania, and The Legend of Zelda 2. I could not be more excited. I am going to be the coolest kid 20 years ago.

My sister has finally returned from her two and a half week sojourn in Quincy. She seems relatively unscathed, although I have noticed a new propensity to watch Deal or No Deal and shop at T.J. Maxx. They get everyone eventually.

Tomorrow night I am going to the opera again. This one is in English, though I can't claim that means I will understand it. It's about the atomic bomb! I'm sure they'll try to make that boring somehow.

Also, I have developed an interest in politics. Underdog victories, people crying, people being black and/or women -- this is scintillating stuff. Suddenly C-Span is like The Real World.

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