
Friday, January 25, 2008

Personnel Matters

I found out this week that I'm losing my secretary. A corner office partner's secretary is retiring and my secretary got called up to fill her slot. I'm really going to miss her, primarily because she understands all my little quirks -- how I don't like to answer the phone when it's a number I don't recognize because it's invariably either a legal recruiter or the Joffrey trying to sell me season tickets, how I prefer for her to not tell people where I am when I'm out of the office, how I have to keep the door shut so no one knows I'm blaring Kelly Clarkson. It takes a while for a person to figure out that I'm not, in fact, insane.

And we've had so many fun memories together. The time she referred to a mean attorney who was visiting from another firm as "a little dictator." The time she won $5,000 on nickel slots and bought me a hat with the name of the riverboat casino on it. The time she accidentally deleted my excel spreadsheet. It seems like a whole lifetime has gone by!

Anyway, I wish her all the best. And I can't wait to see who my new secretary will be! My guess is they'll hire a Yeti, but I could be wrong.

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