
Monday, January 28, 2008

Where Would Jesus Park?

Sometimes I like to get my Catholic on at the 7 PM Sunday mass in Old Town. There's no getting up involved, they have amusing music that is heavy on the acoustic guitar and shaker, and they generally don't force us to hold hands for the Our Father. Once they did require me to take the gifts up, which my sister still makes fun of me for to this day since I apparently did a little genuflection trick before exiting the altar, but generally it's a good time.

Lately, though, I've been getting parked in each week, which throws me into a decidedly unchristlike rage. I simply don't understand, though, how people can live with themselves when they jam up all the aisles of the parking lot with their SUVs (natch) and then take six years to come and remove them afterwards. I'm talking parking in the actual driving lanes of the lot, not just squeezing in where there might just be a half space. And then they all give you these looks like you're so pagan because you want to get home and see if there's a new Intervention on. Maybe I should convert to a religion with a garage.

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