
Saturday, February 09, 2008

Iced Out

I attended a production of High School Musical 1 & 2 on Ice this week. Of course we went as a joke, but that joke became slightly less funny when we realized that, in the third row, we were about two feet away from the performers at pretty much all times. Actually, it because a lot more funny, but we tried to suppress our laughter so as not to be rude. I am of cours always a paragon of etiquette and class.

The entire evening made me very glad to be a Disney stockholder. In addition to the $60 for the tickets, there were $5 hot dogs, $5 nachos (with an extra $1 for extra cheese), $20 souvenir programs, and even $12 cotton candy. Everywhere you turned there was something for a beleagured parent to buy, and some sugar-primed child screaming for it. Did I mention that we were the only people over 16 there who weren't babysitting some child? I have very sophisticated tastes.

But anyway, the show was totally amazing. They dressed all the performers EXACTLY like the characters in the movie so the children wouldn't be at all challenged by the performance, incorporating what had to be the worst wigs ever made in history. The "acting" between songs was so enormous it could likely be seen from space. There were lots of wholly unnecessary pyrotechnics. And as a special bonus, the skaters fell a few times in amusing but not fatal ways. Plus they wrapped it up in an hour and forty-five minutes so no one missed their bedtime.

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