
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

On the Having of Good Times

People keep asking me what I did for my birthday, and inevitably seem disappointed when I tell them that I got a 1/2 pound cheesburger and chili fries from Wrigleyville Dogs and watched my 30 Rock DVDs. Do they think that turning 30 has changed me into a different person? It's not like I'm suddenly going to enjoy putting on shiny shirts and doing tequila shooters in the Gold Coast. And need I remind everyone that it is February in Chicago? Going out is a punishment, not a reward.

Of course, I like to think of myself as 13 going on 30, anyway. I'm planning to have some madcap fish out of water adventures potentially including a dance number set to Thriller any time now.

As if in honor of my sudden old age, the sun has forsaken this city for the past week or so. It's so foggy I can't even see a foot outside my window. (As in the measurement; no phantom body parts are floating near my building.) I'm to the point where I'm thinking about getting one of those sun lamps like my grandmother has. That ought to class up the joint.

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