
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Parade

Today I phoned my grandmother to give her some Easter (or as I call it, Lapsed Catholic Sunday) greetings, and the subject turned, as it often does, to my sister (or as I call her, The One Grandmother Likes). She noted that Meg is in New York this week, and wondered aloud if she would be attending the Easter Parade. She thought it likely that Meg would be able just to look out her window and see the parade in all its grandeur. I must admit that I had a suspicion that this parade in fact existed only in my grandmother's head -- brought on, no doubt, by memories of the 1940s feature -- but I simply agreed that it certainly must be a wonderful affair.

It turns out that the ole lady is right about this one, though, at least in part. According to my internet research (which has never been wrong), there is an Easter Parade in New York each year for five or six hours on 5th Avenue. It appears to consist primarily of people walking around in their dress clothes and carrying their pets, though, so I somehow doubt it would be apparent from my sister's hotel. I do feel certain that it beats being jammed into a pew between a sleeping elderly lady and a gentleman who appears never to have showered for an hour and a half, though, so it's got my holiday beat.

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