
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Personnel Changes

After two and a half months of temps, I finally have a new permanent secretary. And let me tell you, it is a relief. There's nothing more horrible (nothing, I tell you, nothing!) than that feeling of dread each morning as you wonder what sort of creature will be leering from your secretary's cube. I've had child molesters, ex-cons, and five kinds of drug addicts. I've had kleptomaniacs, narcoleptics, and schizophrenics. I even had one who sort of looked like Rick Astley. So it's nice just to know that the same person will be abusing me each day. Isn't that why people get married?

Anyway, her name is Lisa, and she's a brassy, sassy lady. She likes to make fun of me for constantly foraging for snacks and filling my water bottle, and she second guesses the restaurants at which I request reservations. Additionally, she is competent. I had her do a letter for me the other day and I didn't even have to explain what a letter is!

I have also lost my beloved trainer. She was so much fun for the way she would make me jump rope in the center of a crowded cardio room and tell me involved stories about her many romantic travails. But she decided to give up training to focus on an "acting career" I did not even realize she had. I guess that's why it needs the focus.

But I have a new trainer now. His name is Gabe. He's kind of boring. Mainly he just likes to cause me pain. It may be working, though. The other day I thought I saw an ab.

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