
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pretty Beeping Irritating

Like many people, I have a security system in my home that I've never bothered activating or learning how to use. I tend to feel that A) I don't really have that much that anyone would want to steal, unless they're very much interested in Nintendo and vinyl, and B) chances are I'd end up setting it off accidentally and having the police at my front door. But in the past few days, I have read the manual for that system cover to cover five or six times, as though it were some wonderful Danielle Steele novel. You see, my inactive security system has commenced to beeping loudly every three of four minutes. This is especially great in the middle of the night, when it causes me to awake fearing that I've stumbled into a Pachinko parlor. So we have tried everything to silence this wonderful machine, from pressing every possible sequence of buttons as though we're playing Simon to calling the resolutely unhelpful people at the service to switching on and off every circuit breaker in my house. Apparently this thing derives its power directly from the sun, because nothing has worked. It does make me feel extra safe though. Any burglar who broke in here would go crazy in ten minutes.

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