
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Auto Universe

I had a flat tire this weekend. Apparently, you're not supposed to drive over nails. I really think they should have included that in the owner's manual.

Anyway, the lack of a car meant that I had no food, since I would never dream of walking the five blocks to the grocery store. I had to invent exciting new food combinations, like Taco Bell Fire Sauce and flour or two-month-old crackers and soy sauce. It was a taste sensation.

The good news, though, was that it turns out I do know how to change a tire. I even remembered to take the car off the incline before jacking it up so as not to run myself over. And I used my superhuman strength to wrest the lug nuts off of the tire where several strong men (read: my sister) had failed.

The new tire was like $107. These days, that's about a tank of gas.

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