
Sunday, May 25, 2008

God is My Ipod

My mother got herself an iPod. Well, not an iPod per se, but one of those generic-brand knockoffs they sell near the cash register at Best Buy. I guess she needed a place to download all her Gloria Estefan albums. But for the past hour and a half she's been swearing to herself as she tries to figure out how to connect it to her computer. I would try to help her, but usually people who try to help her end up getting injured somehow. Also it's kind of hilarious to watch her struggle.

I had a little shopping spree of my own today. I went to Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Old Navy, and even TJ Maxx. I thought of it as a sociological fact finding mission into the heart of hausfrau country. I was nearly stampeded next to a half-price rack of Liz Clairborn. But I got myself a new swimsuit. I've needed for one for about six years now. In fact, the swimsuit I'm replacing is so old it's from Abercrombie. It kind of makes me feel like a pedophile.

Tomorrow I'm heading back to Chicago. This weekend has really flown by. I guess that's why God made Funsavers.

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