
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Dogs

I'm visiting my parents over the long weekend. This morning I awoke to one of our dogs climbing onto my chest and licking my face vigorously. Then I breakfasted on a snack-size box of Frosted Flakes while my mother treated me to a 20-minute narrative on the various plants she has placed in our yard. I rode my mother's seventies-era exercise bike (it has avocado-colored racing stripes painted on it) for a workout and showered with a fresh bar of Dial Men. Then it was off to grandmother's for Tales of the '40s over a lunch of Carl Budding Beef and generic brand cheese. Deliciousness.

My parents did take us to see the new Indiana Jones flick, however, which was pleasant. Harrison Ford looks like he should be excavating the crags in his face and Karen Allen is wasted in a role that requires little more than screaming and smiling, but Cate Blanchett has a hilarious "Russian" accent and a fantastic haircut. And there are giant digital ants. Need I really say more?

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