
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Morning Mysteries

Isn't it fun when you come home drunk and then wake up the next morning and discover the evidence of the weird things you don't remember doing before passing out? I always feel like a crime scene investigator, though generally only for crimes of fashion. This morning, for instance, I discovered that I had decided to make toast and eat it while peeing, as there was a thick layer of crumbs all over the bathroom floor. I also apparently decided to throw the TV remote behind my nightstand, as I woke up in the middle of the night with some movie involving fencing blaring and no method of shutting it off.

On other occasions I have discovered entire meals I have prepared and abandoned, various semi-artistic creations, and of course that staple of drinking, the ill-advised text. This is why I've had to cut back on my benders. This, and of course the fatness factor.

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