
Monday, July 28, 2008

Hide and Seek

Sometimes I become obsessed with finding things that I don't really need that much but KNOW I HAVE somewhere in this mess. Tonight, apparently, is one of those nights. I have spent most of my evening looking for a paper I wrote in law school. In the process, I have found about a hundred old holiday cards, including those from my insurer and my tax guy, several very informative syllabi, perhaps a dozen ads for various products I would never consider buying, and what appears to be the mutilated remains of a Captain Crunch box. But no paper. Anywhere.

I also went down to my storage locker, dragged out my old (dead) laptop, and brought it upstairs in hopes that it would somehow miraculously revive itself and bring forth this paper. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it just beeped at me and told me to "enter the command function," whatever that means. I tried typing in words at random, but that somehow failed to produce results. I also tried shaking it and blowing on it, but then I realized it wasn't a Nintendo. So no luck there.

The really sad thing is that I know I'm going to lie awake at night wondering where the hell this paper is now. Despite the fact that my actual need for a paper on criminal trials in the Reconstruction-era South is admittedly somewhat low.

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