
Sunday, July 20, 2008


Well, I am once again an invalid. Coming up the steps from the Red Line the other day, I managed to somehow catch my flip flop and take a phenomenal dive past someone carrying a baby carriage down the steps and into the cold hard concrete. The result is a series of rather attractive cuts and bruises across my arms and legs. And a lovely little limp when I walk. I don't know if it's necessarily possible to die of clumsiness, but I am certainly giving it my best shot.

But the good news is that I finally saw College Road Trip starring the effervescent Raven Symone and the incomparable Martin Lawrence. You know how some times you watch things thinking they'll be amusingly bad? Well, sometimes they're just bad. Raven delivered her trademark enormous facial expressions and constantly exclamatory line readings, but the rest of the cast just couldn't keep up, excepting the trained pig. There were probably as many deleted scenes on the DVD as there were actual scenes in the movie, which I think demonstrates the problem: they left some scenes in the movie. On the plus side, there was a Raven music video. I'm sure it'll be tearing up the Billboard charts any day now.

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