
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Topics of Discussion for A Nine Hour Car Ride

-- Whether the traffic will, in fact, ever move.
-- The virtues of Perkin's versus Applebees.
-- Potential locations for pulling over to pee in the woods.
-- How terrible Mamma Mia! is possibly going to be.
-- Which rest stops look the least likely to end in one's tragic and senseless murder.
-- Things one would rather be doing than sitting in traffic in the Wisconsin Dells.
-- How kind of disturbing it was that ALF always wanted to eat cats.
-- How kind of disturbing it was that one actually watched ALF.
-- Why Nicole Kidman's face never moves.
-- Whether Nicole Kidman's baby will be born with an immobile face.
-- Methods of avoiding falling asleep while driving.
-- Oprah.
-- Which other motorists are most deserving of a good sideswiping.
-- Why on Earth a person would pay $1.80 for the privilege of driving twenty miles on a lousy Illinois highway.
-- The sweet release of death.

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