
Sunday, July 27, 2008

True Terror, Thy Name is Brandi C.

I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating that Comcast On Demand is a truly wonderful thing. Besides allowing me to have my weekly Gladiator fix whenever I want it (welcome back at long last, Atlasphere!) it also helps me enjoy the cheesy movies of the 1970s at the drop of a hat (likely a fedora). Last night we watched The Amityville Horror. The special effects were terrible -- mainly flashing lights followed by an exceedingly intense reaction and heavy soundtrack -- and Margot Kidder inexplicably wore an Ace bandage much of the time. The acting was frequently downright hilarious, with many sudden shifts from joy to rage to what appeared to be digestive distress. My sister, who had told me it was scary, later disclaimed that she really just mean that "she thought it would be scary to me." Mitt Romney is scary. This was just kind of unpleasant.

Speaking of which, I have to admit that I don't completely love VH1's I Love Money. I thought it would be fun to see some of my favorite VH1 fame whores again without the pretense of wanting to date an unattractive former celebrity, but it turns out it's mainly just a lot of yelling. For the most part they barely even bother to have challenges. I guess Mr. Boston just wasn't ready to carry his own series yet. Who knew?

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