
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Moving On

So The Hills is back, and I have to say, I'm kind of done with it. How many more times do we need to see Lauren freak out because Heidi is around? Are we still somehow supposed to believe that Spencer and Heidi's bickering is charming? Is Audrina really an interesting enough character to have her own sidekick? (And is that sidekick really named Chiara?) I don't know, it just all sort of seems stale. Of course, I'd be on board with the rumored Whitney spinoff in a heartbeat, but for now I plan to focus on other reality programming. There's a whole world waiting out there.

Speaking of which, my actual reality has been a bit busy lately. I had the big office moves, which means I've spent the past few days figuring out things like where the nearest vending machines are and what the hell I did with my paperclips. The good news is that my new office is slightly larger and more usable. The bad news is that it is on the West side, so it becomes a sweatbox every afternoon. Are tank tops considered business casual?

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