
Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Incredibly, I forgot to mention that I saw The Da Vinci Code the movie. Or rather, I saw about three fifths of it. The DVD we got from Netflix kept freezing up about halfway through and, rather than wait for a new one, we just skipped ahead to the point where it stopped freezing up. So I missed a bit of Ian McKellen's shameful and unnecessary scenery chewing, but I think I got the gist of it. To me, the best part was the fact that Tom Hanks decided to play his character as an enormous asshole. I also liked the way Audrey Tatou played her character as a semi-retarded version of Amelie. An acting masterclass, to be sure.

I suppose I also ought to say something about Michael Phelps. (He is holding his breath for it, I assure you.) Of course it's really great and all to win so many gold medals, but it can't fix your teeth or anything. And how come we always see his mother but never his father? Are they hiding the fact that his dad was a dolphin?

It is not easy to have a such a great mind, I assure you.

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