
Friday, September 26, 2008

Issue Spotting

Did anybody watch the debate tonight? I did not. I figured if I wanted to watch an old man yell at a black guy, I could just hang around downtown for a while. I honestly cannot stand the tenor of modern political discourse; if the Gettysburg address were written today it would probably just be ten minutes of stale soundbites about tax cuts and flag pins. So instead I watched the Cubs game, which was almost certainly an even more depressing choice. There are so many parallels between Democracy and the Cubs, the most prominent being that neither one really works.

I've had one of those weeks that is so busy I can't bring myself to do anything on Friday night except come home, eat some Cool Ranch Doritos, take a shower, and play Scramble on Facebook for a while. I do somehow distantly recall that there was a time when I used to tear things up on Friday (even Thursday!) nights, but the most I can muster now is a glass of the week-old white wine in my fridge. Next thing you know I'll be watching The Ghost Whisperer and bitching to anyone who'll listen about the state of the world. It's the Circle of Life.

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