
Thursday, September 18, 2008


For the past two weeks, my caller ID at work has shown a call from Merrill Lynch every single day. Do you think maybe they wanted me to buy them? I daresay they're getting a bit closer to my price range.

Last night the cab I took home from work smelled like raisins. I didn't really ever even think of raisins as having a particular smell, but there it was. And the driver was listening to conservative talk radio. Sexy times.

Today at work they had cookies for someone's birthday. I didn't really know the guy whose birthday it was, but I had like six cookies. I'm not sure if that's strictly ethical. It was definitely delicious, however.

Tonight I am going out to dinner and them I am going to watch last night's Top Model. I have so much left to learn from Tyra. My smiling with my eyes still needs a lot of work.

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