
Sunday, September 28, 2008


Can we talk about the fact that I have a conference call at 6:30 AM tomorrow? I'll be rising with the elderly and the meth addicted. My plan is to take it at home in my pajamas while getting ready for work, but still, that's way early for me. I can't even form sentences before 9. I believe my insights on the call will be strictly limited to interjections and a few pronouns here and there. It's with Canadians, though, so I'm sure they'll think I'm very wise. Maybe I'll wow them with my knowledge of Degrassi.

Speaking of which, it was a fairly uneventful day today. I did catch up on my DJH:TNG this morning, which was fairly disappointing. Paige is overweight, they've added all these new characters I don't understand who have terrible haircuts, and the plotlines are becoming completely ludicrous. I guess they were bound to run out of teen pregnancies and drug problems eventually. But anyway, after that I just worked for a while, went to the grocery store where I impulse bought Fruit Roll Ups, and talked with my parents. They're into Skype now, did I mention that? That way they can make me talk to the dogs.

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