
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Current Events

After three years of carrying around the 10-pound breadbox known as a Treo, I have finally been upgraded to one of the new blackberries. No, not the touchscreen -- I find that all just a bit too erotic, I'm afraid -- but a pretty zippy Bold. I can actually open attachments to emails, the internet does not take 15 minutes to load up my gmail, and it fits in my pocket even when I'm not wearing cargo pants. It is a good thing.

I am also pleased to report that my plant has been restored to health. Take that, spider mites! I am somewhat afraid to put it back near the window, because that is where the infestation began, but little by little I am overcoming my plant-related fears. Who knows, some day I may even move up to caring for a sentient being of some sort.

On a completely unrelated note, I went to the opera last night. Porgy & Bess. It was really good. The soprano who sang the role of Bess looked a little bit like Jade from America's Next Top Model. The guy who played Porgy didn't really look like anyone, unless maybe it was James Earl Jones. The second act had a hurricane that was denoted entirely by flashing lights. Does FEMA know about this?

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