
Thursday, November 27, 2008


There's a lot to be thankful for this year. Take the following, just for starters:

-- Tyra Banks. You have to admire her singular ability to make everything in the world all about her.
-- My parents' wireless internet. It gives them the opportunity to hold the dogs up to the webcam and make me talk to them.
-- Two new singles from Beyonce. Does it count as self-parody if it's not intentional?
-- Fried macaroni and cheese. Everything is better fried. Especially dairy.
-- The Olympics. The words "Chinese gymnast scandal" only have meaning once every four years.
-- Tina Fay's Sarah Palin impression. Under the umbrella of job creation, youbetcha.
-- Only 54 more days of the Bush presidency. So get all your "enhanced interrogations" in now!
-- Comcast on-demand videos. Let's face it, sometimes you just really need your Vanessa Hudgens fix. And you can't get it just from the nude photos.
-- Rachel Maddow. She's witty and she always looks uncomfortable in her makeup. Who could ask for anything more?
-- Wall-E. We have seen the future, and it involves funky robot love.

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